I had this wonderful blog all ready for you and I was doing my final touches and I must hit the wrong button because it all disappeared and I couldn't get it back. So I for about one minute felt that sickening feeling inside and was so upset at myself and the blogger application. Then I thought about what I just wrote and decided I would create my first podcast for you instead. So I took something that was really really upsetting and where I spent hours and hours writing and polishing it up and just gave up the feeling to feel bad about it.
So think about that you can create any meaning out of any situation. Sure I would have preferred you read the blog but it is gone never to be recovered or read. So I recorded my blog and posted it for you here. I covered most of the things from the blog that I could remember. Let me know by e-mailing me if you like the podcast and I will do more of them. Thanks!
Podcast 1 - Click and Save to Computer
Gary Nordgren